Pamper Your Inner Princess by creating a long-lasting Self-care Routine
By Jess Smith, Elevated Vibrations Collective LLC, Owner
October 12, 2023. Updated November 5, 2024

"Don't wait to get run over by a truck to start taking care of yourself."
Importance of Self-care
When looking to reconnect with yourself and get back in touch with who you are, you may not know where to begin. If you have been in overdrive taking care of other's needs, handling shit and getting it all done, you may not feel like you have the time to take care of yourself. You might even feel guilty or selfish when you finally do something for yourself. You might say, "who do I think I am, some kind of princess?"
That is exactly what I said when I was healing from a broken leg and crushed knee when I had physical therapy and craniosacral appointments and weekly massages. And calling myself a princess wasn't a compliment. I thought I was "spoiling" myself in an undeserving way when I was actually healing from being run over by my own truck. How ridiculous is that?
Don't wait to get run over by a truck to start taking care of yourself. What actually led to the accident was that I was running on empty, trying to be a star employee and super mom as well as having no boundaries around my personal schedule, that I was so exhausted I failed to put on my emergency brake before getting out of my truck to help my son with his seatbelt. The accident was an eye-opener I hope you can avoid. It taught me to slow down, let go of all of the expectations and start taking prioritizing self-care.
If you feel like you have to be a princess to practice self-care, go on and get that tiara, Cinderella and pamper your inner princess. I say pamper which sounds like something "extra",but is actually defined as "indulge with every attention, comfort and kindness." If you don't feel worthy of this, you are wrong. You absolutely are worthy! Kaylee Crockett, PHD, a clinical psychologist in the UAB Department of Family and Community medicine says that "Self -care is important because it enhances our well-being by keeping us connected to ourselves and what matters most to us. It can help prevent illnesses from occurring or recurring, and it builds our capacity to handle stress and adversity (Jones). Basically, self care is a necessity, not a luxury.
What is Self-Care?
So now that you are convinced that you need self-care in your life, you might be wondering what self-care actually is and how to start doing it. "Self care means really listening to your body, taking moments to check in, intentionally tuning into the thoughts going on in your mind, and challenging your behaviors and belief systems if things feel out of alignment in your life," says Kelsey Patel, a Los Angeles-based wellness coach and Reiki instructor. Self-care activities will be different for everyone because "...they should leave one feeling relaxed energized and refreshed." (Lawler).
Start adding self care into your routine with one thing that you can commit to doing on a regular basis. It can be as simple as five minutes of mindfulness a day. I am fortunate enough to have health insurance, so my self-care routine includes chiropractic care, craniosacral treatments and massages twice a month, and mental health counseling once a month. I include many free activities in my self-care routine as well such as a ten minute morning meditation on insight timer, daily self-reiki treatments, taking a nap after a long day of working/commuting, and ending the day with a nightly cup of turmeric and ginger tea. Everyone's routine will be different and designed specifically for your individual needs. Your self care should not stress you out; it should do the opposite, so create something that is: doable for you, you look forward to doing it, and you can easily achieve it. Start slow and build into it. My routine has taken me years to create, and is still a work in progress, but every journey starts with one step.
Protect Your Self-care Routine
The key to creating a self-care routine that will last is to create boundaries around it to protect it. Here are the three ways to create boundaries around your self care routine in order to keep your inner princess healthy and happy:
#1 Be intentional. Set aside the time that is specifically for you to do something that will leave you feeling relaxed, energized, and refreshed, and actually build it into your schedule.
#2 Budget for your self-care. If it something that costs money, be sure to include it in your budget. If you don't have the money in your budget currently, what can you replace to allocate that money for your self-care? If your budget truly cannot accommodate adding it in, what other free self-care activity can you include? Remember to budget the time for your self-care as well. This is why physically adding your self care activities to your calendar is crucial.
#3 Protect your self-care with boundaries. Others might want your time and attention, so treat your self-care time like you would any other important appointment or meeting. Schedule around your self-care, and try as much as possible to work around it instead of moving it or cancelling it. When it is your time for self-care, chose a place away from distractions and turn your devices to do not disturb. Ask your friends and family to respect your self-care time by not disturbing you.
I hope you a can use these tips to create a long-lasting self care routine that helps you to reset, get connected with who you truly are and to rule your world like the Princess, no, the Queen that you are!
to find out how adding Reiki to your self-care routine can improve your health and well-being.
Peace & Light,
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Jones, A. (2022, October 22).Self-care: What is it? Why is it so important for your health? Retrieved October 10, 2023, from
Lawler, Moyer. (2022, August 26). How to Start a Self-Care Routine You'll Follow. Retrieved October 9, 2023, from

Jess Smith, Owner of Elevated Vibrations Collective and Reiki Practitioner